GASTEM Sat, 23 Nov 2019 18:13:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Model for 3D Printing Thu, 21 Nov 2019 19:11:19 +0000 Sending a project to your 3D printer is as easy as first creating the perfect model image. It’s not always easy to get the right image for a workable printing job. Below are a few things to keep in mind when creating your model.

1- Not Accounting for Wall Thickness

Depending on the printer and material used, the wall thickness is an important consideration when creating the model to use. Planning your design with walls that are too thick or thin will present quality issues and jeopardize the results of the actual printing. Walls that are too thin will be impossible to print in many cases. Walls too thick can increase internal stress and cause materials failure when printed.

2- Using the Wrong Software

The software you choose to use to create the model for printing should be comfortable and give you the design capabilities you need for the products you want to make. Many brands of software available on the market. It’s best to give each a try before settling on one and investing a lot of money in the software you may not like after using a few times. For more information, offers additional resources on their website.

3- Not Following Software Guidelines

Completing a 3D model doesn’t necessarily mean it’s ready for printing. Some details, such as wall thickness, have to be manually added with some software programs. Check the guidebook that comes with the software and find out as much as you can about going from a 3D model to 3D printing. You can also find tutorials online that help.

4- Using the Wrong File Resolution

A 3D printer needs a file resolution with a tolerance of about 0.01mm in size. Anything smaller will be too detailed for the printer to handle. Anything larger will provide rough results. Always set your resolution to the tolerance recommended by your printer. The tolerance of resolution is set at the time you save the file.

5- Not Understanding the Printing Technology

Gain an understanding of the basics of the technology with 3D printing before starting your project design. You need to understand what materials can tolerate particular design shapes and interworkings in order to get realistic and usable results. Your model needs to be a design that can go on to the printer and become your next product or part.

6- Ignoring the Material Guidelines

Not all materials will work for your specific design. Familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the materials you want to use and design accordingly. Learn from other creators in the techniques and materials they used to achieve design success.

Carefully create the model you will use to send to the 3D printer following the guidelines and recommendations for your particular type of printer.

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5 Ways A Small Business Can Benefit From A 3D Printer Fri, 08 Nov 2019 18:09:07 +0000 When most people think of 3D printing technology, their thoughts go straight to expensive and quality projects. However, advancements in technology have made 3D printers more affordable and easily accessible than ever before. It offers benefits in various industries including small businesses. Below are some benefits small businesses can gain from the use of a 3D printer.

1. Affordable Prototyping

Many businesses rely heavily on the ability to prototype new products to test them and improve the features. Prototyping has become an inexpensive way for small businesses to mass-produce working prototypes without the need of any manual labor.

2. Retail Pricing Breakthroughs

The use of a three-dimensional printer was practically unheard of just a few short years ago. When it was first introduced into the mainstream consumer market, it was very expensive and only available to bigger businesses. Remarkably, 3D printing technology has had significant price breakthroughs recently in retail markets. Now, businesses of any size can take advantage of 3D printing. You may be interested in the website if you would like more information.

3. Easily Customizable

There are many other uses of a 3D printer beyond prototyping. Many businesses are learning how to push technology’s boundaries to accomplish many of their ideas. Many small businesses use 3D technology to customize and create replicas of current products. Thanks to affordable 3D printing technology, small businesses no longer have to consult with third-party manufacturers to get customization completed on their products.

4. Ability To Manufacture Products In-House

Small businesses can save a lot of time, effort and money by producing some of their products in-house. Many companies are using 3D printers to replace proper manufacturing methods. Because of the expenses associated with actual manufacturing, a 3D printer can be used as a substitute to save struggling entrepreneurs and small businesses a lot of money. The ability to manufacture using 3D printing technology is similar to prototyping. However, the result will be functioning products instead of models.

5. Create Single Products

Another benefit 3D printing can offer small businesses is the ability to create single products without having to pay for mass production. Mass producing any product is not affordable unless a business is planning to sell thousands of them. In most cases, this is not feasible for small businesses. 3D printing can allow a truly desirable alternative for a company to produce small volumes of products at affordable prices. 3D printers can produce complex parts for models that businesses would not be able to afford using third-party manufacturing companies.

The benefits a 3D printer offers small businesses are many. In a matter of time, the industry is going to grow significantly and allow businesses to have more freedom with producing products for their customers. The technology can optimize operations and cut costs significantly.

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6 Business Essentials Made With 3D Printers Mon, 14 Oct 2019 18:25:56 +0000 Many 3d printer designs are a lot of fun to make because they’re revolutionary. For instance, some 3d print technologies actually make musical instruments. If you’re a business owner and you’re considering the use of 3d print, check out the list below of business essentials that can be made in your office.

1. Tape Dispenser

Every office needs tape dispensers. What’s unique about making them with a 3d printer is you can create any design that you want, instead of just distributing the basic dispensers found at most stores. You can also print dispensers that are unique in design. For additional information, visit and learn from their available resources.

2. Stackable Storage Bins

There are always plenty of things to store in an office, which is why being able to print stackable storage bins is worthy of consideration. This type of storage bin is best because you can make the most of the space in your office.

3. Business Card Holder

While business cards are obviously customized, you can also print a custom business card holder. You can make one that’s portable and one that’s stationary for your desk. A business card holder is a 3d printer design that’s a simple solution and easy to make.

4. LED Light

If you spend a lot of time in the office, you might not want to use the fluorescent lights. If that’s the case, consider getting your own LED lamp. Although it almost seems hard to believe, you can actually print the components of an LED light using a 3d printer.

5. Office Supply Container

There are always a lot of supplies floating around an office and on a desk. It’s a good idea to use an office supply container as a way to stay organized. You can use it to keep all of the supplies on your desk in order so that you know where things are located. This can also minimize the amount of clutter in your office. Some people focus a lot better when there isn’t as much stuff on their desk.

6. Pen Holder

A pen holder is simple, but beneficial. It can be frustrating needing a pen and not being able to find one. It’s great to have a pen holder so that you always have access to a pen when you need it.

Being able to print business necessities is a game changer for some professionals because you can always have access to what you need quickly. It’s like having a miniature manufacturing business in your office. These are just a few examples of many. There are wide-ranging office essentials that can be printed in about an hour using 3d technology. Sometimes objects can be printed faster.

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Top 4 Tips for Boosting Your Fertility Tue, 24 Sep 2019 18:34:15 +0000 Somewhere around the world a couple has just made the decision to get pregnant. Unfortunately, there are some instances when that decision is not followed by the anticipated results. It’s the reason why visiting a fertility clinic has become more commonplace. Keep reading to review several helpful tips for boosting your fertility.

1. Visit a Fertility Clinic

If you have concerns or have experienced a problem with achieving your reproductive goals, you should definitely visit a fertility clinic. By gaining additional knowledge and obtaining expert advice, you can improve your chances of conception and possibility get pregnant faster. Sometimes there are easy solutions based on minor issues that can be resolved quickly. In fact, it could be worth your while to visit a fertility clinic at the beginning of your journey.

2. Learn More About Your Family

When you think back on conversations that you’ve had concerning family members or perhaps things you’ve overheard, you might recall details about medical conditions that are hereditary. For instance, you may have an aunt that took a long time to get pregnant. On the flip side, you might not recall any issues with anyone in your family getting pregnant. Either way, that information is beneficial because it can help health care professionals establish a fertility strategy. The Fertility clinic Toronto website may provide additional insights if you need more information.

3. Have Your Partner Checked Out

In many instances, there’s an assumption that fertility problems have something to do with the woman. However, there’s also a chance that the man has an issue that needs to be addressed. Doing so is an easy process that simply requires the analysis of semen. Sometimes the fix is just as simple. For instance, there are certain supplements that can lower a man’s sperm count. Eliminating those supplements might solve the problem.

4. Go to the Dentist

People are sometimes confused when they find out that oral hygiene can impact other aspects of one’s health. It has long been proven that tooth decay, gum disease and other issues can pose problems that result in cardiovascular disease. When it comes to fertility, oral hygiene matters which is why you should go to the dentist. Some experts believe problems with oral hygiene will be problematic later in the pregnancy and not necessarily with conception. Either way, you should go to the dentist as part of an overall wellness plan.

There are many ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant and you can’t make any assumptions. With the help of qualified professionals, you can find a solution faster than you probably could on your own. Sometimes you need someone who is objective to uncover what might not be obvious to you.

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7 Safety Tips To Reduce Mining Accidents Fri, 24 Aug 2018 04:31:22 +0000 mining safety equipment that have been put in place by the relevant authorities to ensure that safety is a priority. If you work in a mine or want to do that in future, here are seven safety tips to reduce mining accidents.]]> The mining industry is probably one of the riskiest industries there is out there. Accidents have been reported on mines all over the world from time to time and so many people have lost their lives while on duty. Most of these accidents have been reported in china since the country has the most dangerous mines. There are rules such as the use of the proper mining safety equipment that have been put in place by the relevant authorities to ensure that safety is a priority. If you work in a mine or want to do that in future, here are seven safety tips to reduce mining accidents.

1. Be aware

This is the first thing that you need to do in order to protect yourself. You need to realize that you are working in a dangerous area. Be aware of the fact that you need to protect yourself at all times. The mining industry is really dangerous so always look out for yourself and your colleagues.

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2. Plan and communicate

Make sure you take your time while doing your tasks so that you do them as efficiently as possible. Do not focus only on finishing the job as it might bring a safety issue. Make sure you give spend money and time to get all the requirements to make the mining process safe.

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3. Professional training

Training about work and safety should not only be for the new members. Everyone who is on the job should get professional training so they know how to do their job well and how to protect themselves should anything happen in the line of duty.

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4. Safety equipment

There are lots of safety equipment that workers should have on at all times. These include glasses and gloves as well as helmets. The importance of safety equipment in a mine can not be overlooked so ensure that all workers are wearing their equipment at all times.

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5. Team supervision

The team working on the site should always follow safety instructions. This means there must be a supervisor to coordinate the work and follow up on the rules being enforced. As a supervisor,through out every shift, make sure you know where all your workers are at any point in time.

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6. Well documented safety procedures

Even after training of all workers, ensure that there are well documented safety procedures to be followed in the event of an accident or emergency. Make sure you spell out the different scenarios that could happen and what should be done.

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7. Safety standards

Ensure that your safety equipment as well as working equipment is serviced regularly to meet the required standards of safety. Do not try to cut down on costs by using faulty equipment. Safety should be key at all times.

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The 4 Type of Freight Services Sun, 24 Sep 2017 21:32:42 +0000 Canadian trucking company, you are sure that your goods are in safe hands, and they also offer logistics services. They offer exportation and importation of goods not only for businesses but also for individual customers using various transports modes, which are explained below in detail.]]> All your company’s shipping needs are taken care of by the freight services. You can transport your goods without much worry because trucking companies offer shipping services and they guarantee reliable, on-time and convenient delivery. They offer exportation and importation of goods not only for businesses but also for individual customers using various transports modes, which are explained below in detail.

1. Road transportation

Road transportation freight services are suitable for delivery of goods at the local level. Transportation companies offer cheaper services as compared to other services, and they have fewer clearance issues. Trucks get easy clearance through various gateways while transferring your goods from one location to another. All this is essential for the provision of proper documentation and logistics for your consignments. Besides, no one can prevent the delivery of your goods. You can select from the various trucking companies in your locality for on-time delivery. You need to choose a reliable transportation company for quality services. With a Canadian trucking company, you are sure that your goods are in safe hands, and they also offer logistics services.

2. Sea freight

Sea freight services are common in countries or places that are hubs for shipping services. Sea freight is appropriate for traders who transport heavy and bulky cargo such as minerals and coal and for long distances. One of the pros of sea freight is its effectiveness. Traders can use sea freight to transport heavy cargo at once, and it reaches the preferred destination of a client without getting damaged regardless of the distance.

3. Rail services

Rail services are more economical than sea services. Traders can send large quantities of goods, which get delivered within the specified time. Rail goods are usually in higher demand because they are not only cheap but also in good condition since chances of getting damaged are small. Rail services ensure that your company’s goods reach their destination safely. Rail services are appropriate for domestic use or inter-continental. Besides, it has an array of applications suitable for individuals and businesses.

4. Air services

Air freight services are appropriate for businesses that want to send their goods urgently. The service is one of the most effective services because it ensures fast transportation and delivery of goods. The best part is that air services are flexible and they have a global coverage. It is advisable to use air services for light goods because of the cost implications.

For quality services and documentation, an individual or business needs to settle for a reputable freight forwarder. Besides, you need a company that guarantees proper documentation and paperwork, which is essential for customs clearance. Additionally, the services entail the provision of loading, unloading, insurance, and shipping services. At the Fortigo Freight Services website, you may be able to find more information and resources.

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How to Make the Water in Your Home Taste Better Thu, 20 Jul 2017 11:00:47 +0000 water treatment systems to other tips and tricks.]]>

It’s pretty common knowledge that drinking a lot of water is good for you. It can help with keeping you properly hydrated when it’s hot outside, can help you have clear and beautiful skin and can even help prevent you from overeating and gaining weight. Because of all of these reasons and more, drinking a lot of water is important. However, you and your family might not really like the taste of water, which could be causing you to not drink as much as you should. Luckily, there are options for helping with this, from water treatment systems to other tips and tricks.

Install a Water Treatment System

If you didn’t already know about it, you should know that there are lots of water purification systems on the market, and many of them are affordable enough that they are a good option for at-home use. The best systems are designed to ensure that all of the water that passes through your home is treated. This can help your water taste a whole lot better and can help you ensure that your family’s water supply is safe as well.

Plus, a good water treatment system can help with more than just that. A system that removes minerals from the water, for example, can prevent your plumbing fixtures — like your toilet and your bathtub — from getting stains and spots that are hard to remove. It can also help your plumbing last longer as well.

Use a Water Filtration Pitcher

Another step that you can take if you would like to make the water in your home taste better is to purchase a water filtration pitcher. These pitchers are designed so that the water that flows through them and into the actual storage area is already filtered. If you are on a budget and aren’t able to purchase an actual water filtration system for your entire home, this can be a good option for your kitchen in the meantime. Plus, it will allow you to keep cold water close at hand, so it’s always easy to pour yourself a cool and refreshing glass.

Add Things to It

Sometimes, even with a filtration system in place, people decide that they do not like the taste of water. You should not let this prevent you from drinking the water that you need, however. Instead, try experimenting to add a little flavor. There are products on the market that are designed just for this purpose. Additionally, you can add fresh-cut fruit or herbs to your water for a refreshing and flavorful taste.

As you can see, if you feel that the water in your home does not taste very good, you do have options. These are a few ways that you can change it up so that your family will be encouraged to drink more water. For those of you interested, there is more information available at Global Hydration.

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Waste Management methods Wed, 15 Mar 2017 21:00:36 +0000

By definition, waste management is the process that involves the collection, transportation, and recycling or disposal of waste. It encompasses management processes and resources that ensure proper handling of waste products. Management of the resources involves maintenance of the waste transportation trucks and the dumping facilities so that they comply with the environmental regulations as well as health codes. The primary objective of waste management is to avoid the adverse effects of wastes to human health and natural environment, but in most occasions, waste management companies carry out the process to get useful resources. Waste materials can also be in all forms of matter, which are gaseous, liquids, radioactive matter, and solid.

According to waste management companies, there are several waste management methods. These methods differ from one nation to another. It also differs from industrial and residential areas. Whichever the case, waste management is usually the responsibility of the local government. Industries can also manage their wastes, in case they are non-hazardous. The methods of waste management involve proper dumping, recycling, transportation and collection, and the creation of awareness.

Dumping methods
The most common waste dumping methods include landfill and incineration. A landfill is a conventional dumping method, which involves burying of wastes in a common pit. The landfill should be economical and far from the residential areas. On the other hand, incineration is a dumping method which involves combustion of the waste materials. The method is used to convert waste materials into steam, gas, ash, and heat. The advantage of using incineration method is that it can be conducted at individual scale level.

Recycling methods
Perhaps, products such as LDEP, PVC, PS, and PP are recyclable. However, there are complex products that are not easy to recycle. Because of the complexity of recycling these products, there exist processes such as biological reprocessing. This approach is useful to waste materials that are organic in nature. The waste materials are put in biological decomposition and later recycled to form composts for agricultural purposes.

Collection and transportation
Collection and transportation of wastes vary from one place to another. Some places prefer bin rental, which comes in different sizes. The price of renting waste disposal bins depend on their sizes. Large waste disposal waste bins cost more than the small ones. On average, the cost of renting 10-yard bin in Ottawa is $225 including the tax and tipping fee. For the purpose of collection and transportation of wastes, it is imperative that every residency is endowed with three waste disposal bins. The first bin is for general wastes, the second one is for recyclable wastes, and the third bin is for garden materials.

Creation of awareness
Management of waste is an area that requires proper awareness and education for global preservation. Creating awareness is critical for the perseverance of the security of the humankind and global health. Education on waste management involves the introduction of the reverse vending machines to supermarkets and public institutions. The advantage of employing these machines is that they are affordable and hence, cut down cost on waste management.

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Latest Improvements in Pump Packing Technology Mon, 26 Sep 2016 19:42:02 +0000 In the past few years, there has been incredible development in the pump packing technology. While materials formerly used were the simple asbestos type, more complex, high-tech ones are used today. One of the glaring evidence of application of the latest technology is in Durco pumps where the packing is done with an eye on the application needs.

The Make-up

In most rotary and centrifugal pumps, a sealing system aimed at preventing fluid leakage and protection against the outer environment is needed. In some cases, more advanced mechanical seals are put into use. In others, however, braided materials are applied around the shaft.

Modern machines used for braiding utilize advanced technology for packing, coming up with various designs in inter-braiding. They can either be diagonally-braided or cross-braided. In the end, the manufacturer can determine the density of the packing in accordance with the requirements. Owing to the technology, the packing is not likely to go loose during operation.

The Materials

One of the most notable contributors to increased efficiency of packing is the development of filaments and synthetic fibers. Today, there is a variety of materials used in different applications. Due to their high resistance to negative effects of heat and chemicals, carbon filaments and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) are the most popular.

Carbon-fluorine bonds in PTFE equip it with chemical inertness. It is, therefore, ideal for packing pumps used for almost all gases and fluids including highly corrosive acids and alkalis. In addition, it helps in greatly reducing wearing off of shafts and stems as well as cutting down on the energy used to power the machinery.

The Lubricants

With the development of the pump packing technology comes the introduction of more efficiency lubricants which fill the space between the inter-braids. They can be applied in three stages: before braiding, in the actual braiding process, or after braiding. Colloidal PTFE in an aqueous dispersion is a favorite since it modifies the fiber qualities and even brings up others.

Keep in mind that lubricants help reduce friction when starting-up or breaking-in and can be obtained in any type or form. They include solid, liquid, natural and synthetic. However, the necessary measures should be taken in ensuring that they are compatible with the kind of application in packing.


While most of the pump packing in use today leaves no room for leakage, applications are becoming more complex by the day. In some cases, more than one pump packing type is needed especially where soft packing is required or when there is a need to bar abrasive material from getting into the stuffing box. To sum it up, pump packing engineers are working round the clock in a bid to satisfy the increasing demands in the industry, especially in regard to efficiency and compliance to environmental regulations.

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All about GHS pictograms Thu, 23 Jun 2016 17:35:43 +0000 GHS is an acronym for General Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of chemicals. The system is an initiative aimed at communicating the potential risk that various chemical poses to health and the environment. It makes use of standardized pictograms that visually reflect the nature of the risk to persons who get directly or indirectly exposed to the chemicals.

To make it possible to use a limited set of ghs pictograms for a wide range of chemicals, the chemicals are placed in clearly defined classes. The classes contain chemical substances that pose similar risks to health and the environment. By assigning a single pictogram to a class of chemicals, it thus becomes easier for an individual to immediately identify the hazard involved from just a single glance of the ghs pictogram.

There are three broad categories where these workplace hazard warnings can be placed. These three categories are physical hazard pictograms, health hazard pictograms and environmental hazard pictograms. Below are descriptions of some common ghs pictograms found in the workplace.

a) Explosive
This pictogram is composed of a four-sided diamond shape defined by a red band. At the center of the enclosed white background is a black sphere with rays and shards radiating from its center. This pictogram indicates that a substance is highly unstable and can spontaneously produce an explosive force having the potential of causing physical injury through the resulting shrapnel.

b) Highly flammable
As with the explosive pictogram, the highly flammable pictogram also a four-sided diamond shape defined by a red band. At the center of the white background within, is a fire hovering over a short black bar. This pictogram is used on chemicals that can easily ignite to produce fire when exposed to temperatures higher than 60 degrees Celsius. The chemical, therefore, has the potential of causing physical burns due to the ensuing fire.

c) Oxidizing Agent
This pictogram also bears a four-sided diamond defined by a red band. In the white background within, is the outline of an orb floating over a short black bar. The final detail on the orb are tongues of fires on its upper half. This pictogram is used to indicate a chemical substance that supports combustion by releasing oxygen. The chemical itself is usually not flammable. The chemical, therefore, poses the potential of perpetuating a fire that would result in physical burns.

d) Corrosive
This pictogram also features a four-sided diamond defined by a red band. Within the enclosed white background is a diagonally inclined glass test tube with a liquid dripping onto a short black bar. The bar is sometimes replaced by an open hand with all five fingers visible. In either case, one is bound to note that the liquid dripping from the test tube appears to be eating into the bar or hand. This pictogram is used on chemicals that can cause chemical burns by eating away the exposed skin.

A government regulation, the Hazard Communication Standard, requires the use of ghs pictograms on warning labels for chemicals used in the workplace. The regulation also makes the pictograms a prerequisite when transporting dangerous goods. A company or other legal entity must, therefore, abide by the HCS regulation for it to be ghs compliant.

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